Certified IT equipment recycling

Each device you entrust to us will first be evaluated by our certified technicians to determine which devices can be repaired and refurbished, and which need to be fully recycled.

Don’t know what to do with your Apple products that no longer have any residual value? At Bluetech, we have the solution for you. Through our services, you can recycle your devices, whether it’s your computers, tablets, cell phones, or more.

By doing so, you can participate in responsible recycling, contributing to environmental protection.
In the event that your electronic devices can be refurbished, our team will offer you the option to buy back your equipment.

To learn more about this service.

The security of your data is our priority, which is why we recommend that you ensure your data is destroyed before recycling your devices to avoid any potential security issues.

A solution that is both simple and environmentally friendly.

Finally, our team meticulously disassembles each of your devices, separating the materials so they can be properly processed. Once the process is complete, you will receive a recycling certificate for all of your devices.


Positive environmental impact

Simplicity and speed of the process

Receive a recycling certificate

Download Teamviewer QS

To access support, your company must have a valid service contract or a block of hours. Otherwise, a fee of $50 for 30 minutes or $90 for 1 hour will be charged.