
Repair (Windows)


Repair and maintenance

We also offer service for Windows devices. We can help you configure, protect, and repair your PCs.

We can, among other things, help you with the initial configuration of Windows, the configuration of your emails, help you install desired software and guide you in the installation of peripherals. During setup, we may also install anti-virus to protect your device from malware and optimize system settings to maximize your device's performance.

We also offer a diagnostic and repair service for your PC. Whether it's a cracked screen, a power issue, or a slow hard drive, we can help. We also install RAM and SSDs.

Data Recovery: If you have lost your data from your PC or want to recover data from an external hard drive, we offer a data recovery service. Our technicians will first diagnose your device and give you the best option for recovering your data. If the latter are not recoverable with our software, we are partners of the company Drive Savers which specializes in data recovery via repair.

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